Hello, I have what I believe is a barrel cactus. I've had it for about 12 years with no troubles. It recently had a small hole poked in the side of it, and now it has a black spot that is growing and getting a bit modly. I'm assuming it's rotting, and I want to save it! Please help with suggestions of what to do. I've read a lot about cutting out rot, and want to know if I can do this as it will ultimately be cutting out of the side of the cactus. Thanks -K
It definitely sounds like rot. If it is growing you have to cut it out, but this will only help if the rot started on the surface (which seems to be the case here), and if it has not yet spread too far. Cut until no discoloured tissue remains.
After cutting away the rotten part, do you have any advice on how to keep the newly exposed cactus from rotting the same way?
I sprinkle powdered sulphur or cinnamon on the wound. I also try to keep the humidity around the plant low until it has calloused over.