Appreciation: Roses

Discussion in 'Outdoor Gardening in the Pacific Northwest' started by wcutler, Jun 30, 2020.

  1. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada

    All the postings in this thread dated September 24, 2020 and earlier were originally posted in the Out and About thread. I have copied them here because I want to be able to browse what I've posted, and it's not possible in that thread. I have deleted anything here that was not about roses. I left the original postings where they were in order to avoid messing up any links to previous postings in that thread.

    The Stanley Park Rose Garden is looking excellent now - everything seems to be open.

    This is Rosa 'Ballerina', a Musk rose.
    RosaBallerina_StanleyParkRoseGarden_Cutler_20200629_160244.jpg RosaBallerina_StanleyParkRoseGarden_Cutler_20200629_160250.jpg RosaBallerina_StanleyParkRoseGarden_Cutler_20200629_160300.jpg

    Speaking of single-flowered roses, here are two from the street outside the Southlands Nursery. Mr. Southlands (Thomas Hobbs) told me the names, and he called the first one Rosa gentiliana. The page at says Rosa gentiliana a.k.a Rosa polyantha 'Grandiflora'.
    Rosa gentiliana - Wikispecies gives as homotypic Rosa multiflora var. gentiliana, says R. gentiliana is "[a] dubious name and not fully understood. Plants in cultivation under this name belong to the cultivar 'Polyantha Grandiflora', and does not fit the original description. The original description mention semidouble flowers, but when Léveille (1818) publish an illustration 10 years later, the flowers are single." These flowers were around 6 cm in diameter.
    Rosa-gentiliana-aka-Rosa-polyanthaGrandiflora_Southlands_Cutler_20200625_132952.jpg Rosa-gentiliana-aka-Rosa-polyanthaGrandiflora_Southlands_Cutler_20200625_133310.jpg Rosa-gentiliana-aka-Rosa-polyanthaGrandiflora_Southlands_Cutler_20200625_133339.jpg Rosa-gentiliana-aka-Rosa-polyanthaGrandiflora_Southlands_Cutler_20200625_133356.jpg Rosa-gentiliana-aka-Rosa-polyanthaGrandiflora_Southlands_Cutler_20200625_133424.jpg

    Around the corner on 49th is Rosa filipes 'Kiftsgate', with smaller flowers, around 4 cm in diameter.
    Rosa-filipesKiftsgate_SouthlandsNursery_Cutler_20200625_133009.jpg Rosa-filipesKiftsgate_SouthlandsNursery_Cutler_20200625_133122.jpg Rosa-filipesKiftsgate_SouthlandsNursery_Cutler_20200625_133138.jpg Rosa-filipesKiftsgate_SouthlandsNursery_Cutler_20200625_133216.jpg

    Here is a very different rose, and I don't remember where I came up with the name; I think I was told it. The flowers don't really interest me much, but I'm in love with the shiny red-margined leaves. So I think this is Rosa 'MEIkrotal', sold under the trade name Scarlet Meidiland. These are in front of an apartment building across from English Bay, near Stanley Park. (Edited: See posting #13 in this thread)
    RosaMEIkrotal-DoubleRed-RedVeins_1949Beach_Cutler_20200628_165956.jpg RosaMEIkrotal-DoubleRed-RedVeins_1949Beach_Cutler_20200628_170041.jpg RosaMEIkrotal-DoubleRed-RedVeins_1949Beach_Cutler_20200628_170116.jpg
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    Last edited: Jan 17, 2021
    Margot likes this.
  2. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    I am so far behind, and I've just imagined doing postings. I told Stanley Park Rose Garden gardener Frankie that I posted her photo last month, and it doesn't even seem to be true, so here is the Allium giganteum bed she was working on on June 19!
    Allium-giganteum_StanleyParkRoseGarden_Cutler_20200619_150120.jpg Allium-giganteum_StanleyParkRoseGarden_Cutler_20200619_150212.jpg

    Rosa 'Garden Delight' delighted me that day, when it was one of the few roses in bloom.
    RosaGardenDelight_StanleyParkRoseGarden_Cutler_20200619_145414.jpg RosaGardenDelight_StanleyParkRoseGarden_Cutler_20200619_145433.jpg

    I saw Frankie again today, and all her alliums have finished blooming and have been topped. I didn't even ask her what she was tending there now. :(

    I did post something from the Rose Garden last week. It still looks excellent today, with flowers on everything.

    Today's picks were 'South Africa'
    RosaSouthAfrica_StanleyParkRoseGarden_Cutler_20200706_150519.jpg RosaSouthAfrica_StanleyParkRoseGarden_Cutler_20200706_150515.jpg

    and Rosa 'About Face'.
    RosaAboutFace_StanleyParkRoseGarden_Cutler_20200706_151002.jpg RosaAboutFace_StanleyParkRoseGarden_Cutler_20200706_150946.jpg
    Margot likes this.
  3. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    I have just done four separate postings on shrubs on Rose Garden Lane, so of course, I was at the Rose Garden. I picked just one to post, this Rosa 'Winter Sun', in the Lower Rose Garden this time.
    RosaWinterSun_StanleyParkLowerRoseGarden_Cutler_20200709_153512.jpg RosaWinterSun_StanleyParkLowerRoseGarden_Cutler_20200709_153233.jpg RosaWinterSun_StanleyParkLowerRoseGarden_Cutler_20200709_153237.jpg RosaWinterSun_StanleyParkLowerRoseGarden_Cutler_20200709_153250.jpg

    Then I saw this group of what seemed like would be called blue roses. The colour varied from grey to pale lavender, but there was hardly any colour variation on a single flower. Really, I favour roses that do have colour that varies from new to old petals, but this was strange enough that I had to capture it. I did not find a tag or label. I think the cultivar might be 'Blue Moon' - the red buds and leaf margins seem to be wrong for 'Blue Bajou'. I didn't find any other blue rose names. I think the photo colour here is a little too pink.
    BlueRose_StanleyParkRoseGarden_Cutler_20200709_153813.jpg BlueRose_StanleyParkRoseGarden_Cutler_20200709_153825.jpg BlueRose_StanleyParkRoseGarden_Cutler_20200709_153934.jpg BlueRose_StanleyParkRoseGarden_Cutler_20200709_154024.jpg BlueRose_StanleyParkRoseGarden_Cutler_20200709_154149.jpg
    Edited August 29, 2020 - There was a label today - Poseidon, a Floribunda rose. That would be Poseidon™ ('KORfriedhar')
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2021
    Margot likes this.
  4. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    I was going to post this rose with single red flowers climbing up a Quercus robur along Ceperley Meadow in Stanley Park and ask if the wiggley flowers were its actual nature or if it was diseased. But I see some photos of Rosa 'Dortmund' that look just like this, and from the Stanley Park Rose Garden, so it's even possible that this is the ID. This cultivar, however, is supposed to top out at three metres, and this is maybe twice that high. Maybe it's just very happy?
    [Edited June 29, 2021: Head Gardener Dave told me this is called R. 'American Pillar'. I posted some more photos at Appreciation: - Roses.
    RosaDortmund_CeperleyMeadow_Cutler_20200716_154808.jpg RosaDortmund_CeperleyMeadow_Cutler_20200716_154817.jpg RosaDortmund_CeperleyMeadow_Cutler_20200716_155158.jpg RosaDortmund_CeperleyMeadow_Cutler_20200716_154826.jpg
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    Last edited: Jun 29, 2021
    Margot likes this.
  5. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    Since I was in the rose garden, here is a purple rose, called Rosa 'Rhapsody in Blue'.
    RosaRhapsodyInBlue_StanleyParkRoseGarden_Cutler_20200814_135335.jpg RosaRhapsodyInBlue_StanleyParkRoseGarden_Cutler_20200814_135340.jpg RosaRhapsodyInBlue_StanleyParkRoseGarden_Cutler_20200814_135402.jpg
    and one not purple - Rosa 'Easy Does It'.
    RosaEasyDoesIt_StanleyParkRoseGarden_Cutler_20200814_135237.jpg RosaEasyDoesIt_StanleyParkRoseGarden_Cutler_20200814_135242.jpg RosaEasyDoesIt_StanleyParkRoseGarden_Cutler_20200814_135307.jpg

    It's still a riot of colour over there.
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2021
    Margot likes this.
  6. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Today's rose is Rosa 'Lady Elise May', a shrub rose.
    RosaLadyEliseMay_StanleyPark-RoseGarden_Cutler_20200818_153153.jpg RosaLadyEliseMay_StanleyPark-RoseGarden_Cutler_20200818_153225.jpg RosaLadyEliseMay_StanleyPark-RoseGarden_Cutler_20200818_153313.jpg
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2021
    Margot likes this.
  7. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    So there I was in the rose garden, and I'm sorry, I have posted this first rose before, but I couldn't help myself, here it is again, a lot more photos of it. Rosa 'About Face'. It's in at least two beds, still looking excellent.
    RosaAboutFace_StanleyPark-RoseGarden_Cutler_20200819_150506.jpg RosaAboutFace_StanleyPark-RoseGarden_Cutler_20200819_150524.jpg RosaAboutFace_StanleyPark-RoseGarden_Cutler_20200819_150535.jpg RosaAboutFace_StanleyPark-RoseGarden_Cutler_20200819_150629.jpg RosaAboutFace_StanleyPark-RoseGarden_Cutler_20200819_150638.jpg RosaAboutFace_StanleyPark-RoseGarden_Cutler_20200819_150722.jpg

    I guess as an antidote to the above rose, I was attracted to this near-blue Rosa 'La Petite Prince'. The name is a little annoying to anyone who knows French, and this seems to have the unfortunate trait that the outer petals start to senesce before the rest of the flower opens, so hardly any of the flowers really ever look excellent at their peak bloom. Still, it has some nice subtle colour variations. And it's restful to look at.
    RosaLaPetitePrince_StanleyPark-RoseGarden_Cutler_20200819_150802.jpg RosaLaPetitePrince_StanleyPark-RoseGarden_Cutler_20200819_150815.jpg RosaLaPetitePrince_StanleyPark-RoseGarden_Cutler_20200819_150922.jpg RosaLaPetitePrince_StanleyPark-RoseGarden_Cutler_20200819_150942.jpg RosaLaPetitePrince_StanleyPark-RoseGarden_Cutler_20200819_150959.jpg RosaLaPetitePrince_StanleyPark-RoseGarden_Cutler_20200819_151010.jpg RosaLaPetitePrince_StanleyPark-RoseGarden_Cutler_20200819_151022.jpg
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2021
    Margot likes this.
  8. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    Today's rose is a hybrid tea - Rosa 'Sweet Fragrance', which is aptly named.
    RosaSweetFragrance_StanleyPark-RoseGarden_Cutler_20200826_161000.jpg RosaSweetFragrance_StanleyPark-RoseGarden_Cutler_20200826_160901.jpg RosaSweetFragrance_StanleyPark-RoseGarden_Cutler_20200826_160922.jpg
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2021
    Margot likes this.
  9. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Many of the roses are still looking good.
    Here is Rosa 'Take it Easy', a shrub rose. I don't usually go for red roses, but this has some interesting colouring happening in the centres.
    RosaTakeItEasy-Shrub_StanleyPark-RoseGarden_Cutler_20200908_133136.jpg RosaTakeItEasy-Shrub_StanleyPark-RoseGarden_Cutler_20200908_133219.jpg

    And Rosa 'KORfocgri' (the sign says Summer Sun, the trademark name), a floribunda rose, which has shiny leaves that open a dark wine colour and then the green takes over but leaving some of the wine colour on the leaf margins. I posted another rose that does that in posting #52, calling it Rosa 'MEIkrotal', sold under the trade name Scarlet Meidiland (but I think I came up with that name myself, so who knows). Anyway, this one has great colour variations in the flowers and wonderful leaves. I think both these roses were fragrant.
    RosaSummerSun-Floribunda_StanleyPark-RoseGarden_Cutler_20200908_133301.jpg RosaSummerSun-Floribunda_StanleyPark-RoseGarden_Cutler_20200908_133307.jpg RosaSummerSun-Floribunda_StanleyPark-RoseGarden_Cutler_20200908_133338.jpg RosaSummerSun-Floribunda_StanleyPark-RoseGarden_Cutler_20200908_133407.jpg RosaSummerSun-Floribunda_StanleyPark-RoseGarden_Cutler_20200908_133558.jpg
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2021
    Margot likes this.
  10. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Today's rose is a hybrid tea - Rosa 'Eliza'.
    RosaEliza-HybridTea_StanleyPark-RoseGarden_Cutler_20200922_141056.jpg RosaEliza-HybridTea_StanleyPark-RoseGarden_Cutler_20200922_140606.jpg RosaEliza-HybridTea_StanleyPark-RoseGarden_Cutler_20200922_140529.jpg RosaEliza-HybridTea_StanleyPark-RoseGarden_Cutler_20200922_140958.jpg RosaEliza-HybridTea_StanleyPark-RoseGarden_Cutler_20200922_141026.jpg
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2021
    Margot and Georgia Strait like this.
  11. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    I wanted to note that the red rose in the first posting, that I'm calling Rosa 'MEIkrotal', sold under the trade name Scarlet Meidiland, has been cut back for the winter. I know nothing about growing roses, found it interesting to see how this one has been treated.
    Margot likes this.
  12. Georgia Strait

    Georgia Strait Generous Contributor 10 Years

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    South Okanagan & Greater Vancouver, BC Canada
    This is the scarlet rose ?
    I think Douglas Justice id’d it on the original thread

    And yes - I have had garden service cut what I call my « shopping mall roses » back to that kind of look

    They grow nice seasonal branches which I will cut back in a few weeks

    The mediland i find hère are practical hard workers - no big showy heavy scented blooms so it’s a trade

    {I also have quite a few of what is sold as « flower carpet » (another shopping mall parking lot rose!)}

    Also no bugs or mildew and summer irrigation

    The blooms are small and make lots of nice petals for the « walk down the aisle » celebrations in summer

    The petals do not bruise and for one bridal gift - we picked the day before and gently pulled apart and refrigerated in layers of parchment in a Tupperware type rigid plastic lidded container in fridge. It was fun - the young people helped make the gift (a nice memory)
  13. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
  14. Georgia Strait

    Georgia Strait Generous Contributor 10 Years

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    South Okanagan & Greater Vancouver, BC Canada
    You’re welcome

    Off topic now:

    My request is another of your « ident » catégories in one thread

    For example - FERNS!

    I find (with respect of course) all the various pix hard to follow - not being a fern expert !

    I struggle with cinnamon vs wood vs ....

    I happily do know bracken and swords

    Sword ferns are my reliable naturescape fav at the coast year round ... easy care and minimal summer water ... bounce back from a snow pile - nice ground cover year round

    I hope that we don’t get the sword fern disease that I think RonB cited a few months ago in Seattle area —- and maybe Margot in Nanaimo area noted too.

    Speaking of your compilation threads - the one that is amazing is the topic of flowering cherries that look like trees »
    ÉDIT to add link
    Appreciation: - Cherries that look like real trees
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2021
  15. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    Rosa glauca

    I see that I have a thread on roses! Good. Here's another.
    Rosa glauca has been mentioned on the forums, but not with photos. No-one replied to a request to locate one for purchase a few years ago. This one is in the landscaping of a condo building two blocks from me. It was pretty easy to come up with a name for rose, grey leaves, single pink flowers. There's only one flower right now - it seems I'm a bit early, but it's the leaves that caught my attention.
    Rosa-glauca_1500PendrellNicola_Cutler_20210601_175708.jpg Rosa-glauca_1500PendrellNicola_Cutler_20210601_175716.jpg Rosa-glauca_1500PendrellNicola_Cutler_20210601_175729.jpg Rosa-glauca_1500PendrellNicola_Cutler_20210601_175737.jpg Rosa-glauca_1500PendrellNicola_Cutler_20210601_175756.jpg
    Margot and Daniel Mosquin like this.
  16. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    The Stanley Park Rose Garden is not a blaze of colour, but there are plenty of nice roses to see, just freshly opened. I had no intention of posting any, but I couldn't help myself. I didn't do
    'Rhapsody in Blue' justice last year. It has such nifty white markings, like dripped paint, or maybe icing.
    RosaRhapsodyInBlue_StanleyParkRoseGarden_Cutler_20210604_153942.jpg RosaRhapsodyInBlue_StanleyParkRoseGarden_Cutler_20210604_153959.jpg RosaRhapsodyInBlue_StanleyParkRoseGarden_Cutler_20210604_154133.jpg RosaRhapsodyInBlue_StanleyParkRoseGarden_Cutler_20210604_154143.jpg RosaRhapsodyInBlue_StanleyParkRoseGarden_Cutler_20210604_154157.jpg RosaRhapsodyInBlue_StanleyParkRoseGarden_Cutler_20210604_154214.jpg

    This is 'Pretty Lady', with a lot of colour variation. I like the fat leaflets with thin red margins.
    RosaPrettyLady_StanleyParkRoseGarden_Cutler_20210604_154450.jpg RosaPrettyLady_StanleyParkRoseGarden_Cutler_20210604_154522.jpg RosaPrettyLady_StanleyParkRoseGarden_Cutler_20210604_154542.jpg RosaPrettyLady_StanleyParkRoseGarden_Cutler_20210604_154624.jpg RosaPrettyLady_StanleyParkRoseGarden_Cutler_20210604_154633.jpg

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    Margot and Georgia Strait like this.
  17. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    I hope this is Rosa rugosa, along Lost Lagoon.
    Rosa-rugosa_StanleyParkLostLagoon_Cutler_20210604_160640.jpg Rosa-rugosa_StanleyParkLostLagoon_Cutler_20210604_160704.jpg Rosa-rugosa_StanleyParkLostLagoon_Cutler_20210604_160718.jpg Rosa-rugosa_StanleyParkLostLagoon_Cutler_20210604_160727.jpg Rosa-rugosa_StanleyParkLostLagoon_Cutler_20210604_160738.jpg Rosa-rugosa_StanleyParkLostLagoon_Cutler_20210604_160809.jpg
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2021
    Margot and Georgia Strait like this.
  18. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    Well you know how it is when you only know two or three names for something - you manage to fit what you see into one of those slots. So I might be doing that with this single white rose on Lagoon Drive in Stanley Park, making its way up a Deodar Cedar.
    I'm calling this Rosa henryi, based on the one of that species I posted at UBCBG at June 2019 in the garden - so much to see in June.
    I noted that it is distinguishable from R. filipes by being more likely to have only five leaflets, having fewer flowers in a corymb (5-15) and larger flowers (supposed to be 3-4 cm in diameter, but 6cm was pretty common). It is also mostly hairless and mostly without prickles. I was quoting myself, and I was unable to find the source. This has some hairs along the pedicels, as does the one at UBCBG. The flower I measured was 6cm in diameter.
    Rosa-henryi_StanleyPark-LagoonDr_Cutler_20210607_151418.jpg Rosa-henryi_StanleyPark-LagoonDr_Cutler_20210607_151432.jpg Rosa-henryi_StanleyPark-LagoonDr_Cutler_20210607_151439.jpg
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    Puddleton likes this.
  19. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    Here is another single white rambling rose. on the Camellia Path in Stanley Park. I think it differs from Rosa henryi in that the leaves are a dull green, not shiny at all, and flower petals almost all have an extruding point at the tip. I see that in one or two henryi pictures, but to me, this is definitely a characteristic of these flowers. These leaflets are usually five, almost lanceolate, from around 6cm to 10cm for the terminal leaflet.
    Rosa-white-rambling_StanleyParkCamelliaPath_Cutler_20210617_155508.jpg Rosa-white-rambling_StanleyParkCamelliaPath_Cutler_20210617_160008.jpg Rosa-white-rambling_StanleyParkCamelliaPath_Cutler_20210617_160049.jpg
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    Last edited: Jun 18, 2021
  20. Georgia Strait

    Georgia Strait Generous Contributor 10 Years

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    South Okanagan & Greater Vancouver, BC Canada
    Seeing this post with white climbing rose reminded me we have a white (with small yellow centers) climbing the dying branches of an ornamental tree in our coast neighbourhood

    The rose is “Seagull”

    (I am not sure what detail of the bird the name refers to )

    Here is a photo below -

    I can’t get close because it is at top of a tree — I estimate it’s climbed up approx 20 feet (6 meter)

    It is blooming now

    (ÉDIT - thé tree is an old Hawthorne - and the other leaves are clematis armandii )

    It seems more common in UK than out here

    I can’t find it in the American Rose Society plant database website

    rosa multiflora seagull - Google Search

    Attached Files:

    wcutler likes this.
  21. Georgia Strait

    Georgia Strait Generous Contributor 10 Years

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    South Okanagan & Greater Vancouver, BC Canada
    Hello Wendy - is it possible for you to take some “landscape” pictures of the Stanley Park rose garden?

    I appreciate your close-ups

    I would like to see the broad view

    Thank you.
  22. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    I read this right after I was at the Rose Garden, and I don't have any immediate plans to go back there, but it really doesn't change much in the landscape view from year to year. There are some landscape views in the first two postings in this thread.
    Head gardener Dave told me today that many of the roses in the Rhododendron garden are unnamed, but the red one in bloom now in Ceperley Meadow is called R. 'American Pillar'.
    RosaAmericanPillar_CeperleyMeadow_Cutler_20210629_143549.jpg RosaAmericanPillar_CeperleyMeadow_Cutler_20210629_143603.jpg RosaAmericanPillar_CeperleyMeadow_Cutler_20210629_143612.jpg RosaAmericanPillar_CeperleyMeadow_Cutler_20210629_143621.jpg RosaAmericanPillar_CeperleyMeadow_Cutler_20210629_143634.jpg RosaAmericanPillar_CeperleyMeadow_Cutler_20210629_143646.jpg

    That one is definitely called Old Rose, unnamed. Here are some more photos of it.
    OldRose-unnamed_StanleyParkCamelliaPath_Cutler_20210622_152816.jpg OldRose-unnamed_StanleyParkCamelliaPath_Cutler_20210622_153155.jpg OldRose-unnamed_StanleyParkCamelliaPath_Cutler_20210622_152838.jpg OldRose-unnamed_StanleyParkCamelliaPath_Cutler_20210622_152916.jpg OldRose-unnamed_StanleyParkCamelliaPath_Cutler_20210622_152940.jpg OldRose-unnamed_StanleyParkCamelliaPath_Cutler_20210622_153109.jpg

    These two double white roses near the willow with the galls are also unnamed, one with yellow buds
    Rosa-double-white-yellowbuds_CeperleyMeadow_Cutler_20210622_153644.jpg Rosa-double-white-yellowbuds_CeperleyMeadow_Cutler_20210622_153725.jpg Rosa-double-white-yellowbuds_CeperleyMeadow_Cutler_20210622_153732.jpg Rosa-double-white-yellowbuds_CeperleyMeadow_Cutler_20210622_153918.jpg
    and one with red buds
    Rosa-double-white-redbuds_CeperleyMeadow_Cutler_20210622_154323.jpg Rosa-double-white-redbuds_CeperleyMeadow_Cutler_20210622_154335.jpg Rosa-double-white-redbuds_CeperleyMeadow_Cutler_20210622_154344.jpg Rosa-double-white-redbuds_CeperleyMeadow_Cutler_20210622_154445.jpg
  23. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    Gardener Frankie no longer works in the Rose Garden, but she's still around and I know where to find her; she has told me that the Rose Garden plants on the trellis are named on the trellis. That wasn't true for all of the ones I liked, but I do have the names of a few. This is Rosa ‘Félicité et Perpétué’ (or 'Felicite et Perpetue', if you want to do a search using English characters).
    RosaFelicite-et-Perpetue_StanleyParkRoseGarden_Cutler_20210623_153256.jpg RosaFelicite-et-Perpetue_StanleyParkRoseGarden_Cutler_20210623_153300.jpg RosaFelicite-et-Perpetue_StanleyParkRoseGarden_Cutler_20210623_153310.jpg RosaFelicite-et-Perpetue_StanleyParkRoseGarden_Cutler_20210623_153322.jpg

    Rosa 'Madame Alfred Carriere', which I just posted at UBCBG.
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    Rosa 'City of York'. The sign says Old Climber.
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    Rosa 'Dortmund'
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    Rosa 'Kiftsgate', which had flowers at UBCBG too high to really see.
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  24. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    I haven't been back to the Stanley Park Rose Garden for ages, but I was looking for a new walking route that avoided the spots where coyotes have bitten people, so I walked over there, and then walked home via my usual route anyway. There were some new cultivars to me.
    Here is Rosa 'Julia Child', a Floribunda rose.
    RosaJuliaChild_StanleyParkRoseGarden_Cutler_20210902_153939.jpg RosaJuliaChild_StanleyParkRoseGarden_Cutler_20210902_153904.jpg RosaJuliaChild_StanleyParkRoseGarden_Cutler_20210902_153740.jpg RosaJuliaChild_StanleyParkRoseGarden_Cutler_20210902_153954.jpg

    Rosa Peaudouce™, a hybrid tea. I think the cultivar name is 'DICjana', and it also goes by Elina®.

    Rosa Mother of Pearl, according to the sign, a Grandiflora rose. The cultivar name seems to be 'Meiludere' according to Rosa 'Mother of Pearl™' Mother of Pearl™ Grandiflora Rose from Prides Corner Farms, (or, and I think more likely, 'MEIludere', according to Rosa 'MEIludere' (Mother Of Pearl®) | Brookgreen) with it shown as Mother of Pearl™ and on other sites as 'Mother of Pearl' and Mother of Pearl®.
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  25. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    I posted Rosa 'Eliza' in posting #10, a Grandiflora rose, but its proper cultivar name seems to be R. 'KORaburg'.
    RosaEliza_StanleyParkRoseGarden_Cutler_20210902_154051.jpg RosaEliza_StanleyParkRoseGarden_Cutler_20210902_154109.jpg RosaEliza_StanleyParkRoseGarden_Cutler_20210902_154120.jpg RosaEliza_StanleyParkRoseGarden_Cutler_20210902_154149.jpg

    And last year I posted Rosa 'About Face' twice, another Grandiflora rose. Its cultivar name seems to be 'WEKosupalz'. It might be my favourite.
    RosaAboutFace_StanleyParkRoseGarden_Cutler_20210902_154954.jpg RosaAboutFace_StanleyParkRoseGarden_Cutler_20210902_155016.jpg RosaAboutFace_StanleyParkRoseGarden_Cutler_20210902_155047.jpg RosaAboutFace_StanleyParkRoseGarden_Cutler_20210902_155106.jpg

    For @Georgia Strait, here are some photos of the garden.
    StanleyParkRoseGarden_Cutler_20210902_154648.jpg StanleyParkRoseGarden_Cutler_20210902_154741.jpg StanleyParkRoseGarden_Cutler_20210902_154810.jpg StanleyParkRoseGarden_Cutler_20210902_154858.jpg
    Georgia Strait likes this.

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