rosemary burnham snowdrops

Discussion in 'Talk about UBC Botanical Garden' started by Kimmers, Oct 9, 2008.

  1. Kimmers

    Kimmers Member

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    Mill Bay Canada
    On March 24th 2007 your photo of the day was one of these dear snowdrops known as galanthus Rosemary Burnham.
    Not only do I have a soft spot for snowdrops, but Rosemary Burnham was my second cousin. I would dearly love to have a few bulbs representing this lady whom I never knew, but have been told that she was an amazing individual, with many talents and passions.
    Thanks for any info ~ Kim
  2. Eric La Fountaine

    Eric La Fountaine Contributor Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    sw USA
    Hello Kimmers, Rosemary was a dear Friend of the Garden. As you have read in the BPotD post, Galanthus 'Rosemary Burnham' is quite rare in the market. We do not have it for sale at the Shop in the Garden, but I believe some of the FOG's have it growing in their personal gardens. I have passed along your request and I will send you a private message when I find out if this is possible. Bear with me, this could take a few weeks to find out.
  3. Kimmers

    Kimmers Member

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    Mill Bay Canada
    Hi Eric, wow, thanks for the heads up on the Rosemary Burnham snowdrop. I take it you knew her personally? My family did visit hers in Vancouver once when I was very very young. All I was aware of was that she was 'some sort of relative' and that her gardens were absolutely spectacular, enough to make a lasting impression on a six year old!
    Thanks so much for looking into the possible availability of a bulb or two for me. I will await your reply patiently!
    Do you suppose I might post this request anywhere else in this forum (for maximum exposure)? Don't really know my way around here yet.
    Thanks again, Kim
  4. Avril

    Avril Member

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    Victoria Canada
    Wondering if there is anything new on the Rosemary Burnham snowdrops being available to buy. My sister Kimmers, has recently passed away, and I would love to be able to purchase and plant this snowdrop in her memory.
    Any help appreciated.
  5. Eric La Fountaine

    Eric La Fountaine Contributor Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    sw USA
    Hello Avril,

    Galanthus 'Rosemary Burnham' is hard to find. It has been sold at the Collectors' Plant Auction, but we won't have another for at least a year. If I can find a source I will send you a private message. Perhaps another forum member will know of a source as well.

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