I've not grown Rosemary or Bay outside before. Will they survive outside in Vancouver over the winter. Thanks, Bruce.
Depends on exposure, neighborhood, and soil. And there is a range of hardiness in rosemary, some kinds are more hardy than others. Both rosemary and bay laurel want a Californian climate, the more warm and dry the planting site the better the likely outcome.
There are numerous examples in Seattle, esp. of the rosemary, which is very common in plantings here. During the coldest winters less hardy forms of rosemary are lost, and the bay trees get burned. But I've read these also get singed during cold winters in their native habitat as well.
Thank you. Today I met a gardener in Vancouver who has both a large, old bay and rosemary in a protected, sunny area of his garden. Encouraging. Thanks again, Bruce.
Some bay trees in Seattle are over 40' tall. And I'm talking about Laurus nobilis, and not confusing it with Umbellularia californica.
There is a variety of rosemary called ARP which is meant to be quite a bit hardier than most. Both this and the bay, plant in full sun and well drained soil, and it should really be fine.