Can a Rose of Sharon bush be trimmed without killing it? Can it be moved? When is the best time to trim and or move it?
Thank you so much. I think I am going to enjoy this website very much. There are so many plants in this yard that I am sure there will be more questions as I would like to keep it looking wonderful. At least for this winter, we can trim the Rose of Sharon and then find a more suitable place for it in the early spring. Should it be placed in an area of fully sun or would part shade be ok too?
I discovered that Rose of Sharon can be moved pretty much anytime, but doing so when in leaf sets it back quite a bit. I had to move one out of the ground and into a pot last August and I don't have many flowers this year. keke
Thanks for the note, I appreciate your input. I will need to look around this yard a bit more to find a suitable place for the bush - it is pretty large right now and crowds the brick walkway going up to the house.
Flowers on new growth so entire plant can be cut down low at the end of winter every year, will still bloom. Maybe try that for now, moving it a few years later if it is still too big even with annual severe pruning. Usually an annual trim makes and keeps these quite small.