Rose Bush problem

Discussion in 'Rosa (roses)' started by GreggO, Sep 13, 2007.

  1. GreggO

    GreggO Member

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    Phoenix, AZ
    Hello All, I have a big old rose bush that I thought would never have a problem, it's very thick at the base and handle's most of what the Arizona desert can throw at it...It flowers several time's a year with hugh peach colored flowers, but also has some smaller red blossoms that come out from time to time, I figure someone must have done some splicing sometime in the past. Anyway, my problem is my lawn guy moved my dripper from the side of the bush to right onto the main stem, I never noticed until a week or so ago when I did notice half the bush looked to be brown & dead! That is when I found the dripper & moved it but there is also a white coating of sorts around the base of the main stem just above ground level. I'm no plant expert, but I have always been kinda proud of the comments I get on this rose bush. I don't know if the dripper caused some sort of rot problem or if something else is going on but it looks worse & worse everyday. Any ideas on what I can do to save this plant are welcome!
  2. Weekend Gardener

    Weekend Gardener Active Member 10 Years

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    Coquitlam, BC
    Large rose bushes have extensive root systems. If the dripper was moved, perhaps the root zone which it was supplying previously was not adequately watered. This may have resulted in die back of part of the plant. In any situations with dieback, you may start to see some fungal activity. I would cut off and remove all the dead canes. Make sure the whole root system is consistently watered, but not soaking. This late in the season, you may have to wait till the following year before you will know whether your rose will pull through.

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