Rose Aphids - Help!

Discussion in 'Rosa (roses)' started by FPTJ, May 25, 2008.

  1. FPTJ

    FPTJ Member

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    I am a first-year rose gardener. I have 5 roses in containers. 4 were from J&P and one from another rose supplier, the name of which I have forgotten. That one is known as Frankly Scarlet. I have discovered an outbreak of rose aphids on two new growth areas of the Frankly Scarlet. There are also a few aphid eggs on the undersides. This rose had yellowish leaves on its' base a week ago and I gave it some rose food. I am not sure if this is related to the aphids. I check my roses every day and this evening is the first time I saw the aphids/eggs. What can I do to get rid of the aphids and how bad is the prognosis??

    I have put this rose in quarantine on another part of our patio, about 6 feet away from the other roses, which so far look aphid-free. Is this far enough to prevent spreading the infection??

    Thank you all in advance for your assistance.
  2. joclyn

    joclyn Rising Contributor

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    philly, pa, usa 6b
    aphids are common problems with roses. you can just blast them with water from your hose to get them off. or, you can treat with a systemic spray. using plain water will only knock them off - they'll come back. the systemic treatment kills them and repels new ones that land.
  3. FPTJ

    FPTJ Member

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    Thank you! Many of the reliable systemic pesticides are banned in my city so I am trying Safer's soap. We'll see how it goes. Thanks again for your help.

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