Root-Pruning / re-potting large pot-bound ficus tree

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by Macushla, Mar 2, 2014.

  1. Macushla

    Macushla New Member

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    Westport Co Mayo Ireland
    Since moving into this house 6 years ago, a favourite fig tree which was then small and not thriving, has blossomed into a 7 foot high beauty, in a warm, sunny and stable environment.. until.... last summer it showed signs of needing to be re-potted. I suggested I might re-pot it to a very keen gardner-friend, who advised against so doing.. so I followed his advice... However, since this Christmas just gone, the tree has been significantly distressed, shedding leaves and apparently dying; I realised I should have re-potted it last summer, if not before then..
    Ready to re-pot in the next few days, I just checked the root system and there are a number of large 1 cm diam roots completely coiled around the base..(OK.. I know, and to my shame, I should have checked a lot sooner.. ).
    I have gently loosened them and am now trying to extract the tree from the pot.. which is not an easy task... I presume the roots are completely coiled within the pot...
    Should I give up and recognise the tree is a lost cause?
    If not, how should I proceed? I do not want to over-stress the tree by re-potting and root pruning at the same time;do I just cut the large roots from the base of the tree? And what about the coiled roots around the base? Do I root-prune alone, returning the tree to its current pot which is way too small.?. Or can I do both? I have a new pot which is possibly twice the size of the old one.. probably too big in most circumstances, but it looks more of a correct size for the tree, which is way too large for its current pot and I would like it to be able to "breathe" in its new cocoon..
    At this stage, I am really sorry I did not follow my own instincts and awareness, but instead took the advice of someone I thought knew more than me about gardening/ plants..
    Thanks for your help,
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2014

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