Some Romain lettuce was picked today 14 June 2006 Zone 5. It is almost perfect. There are 10 plants and the size of each is astonishing. There is only minor bug damage on two or three plants. No sign of earwigs, which have often been the bane of growing romain lettuce. Many people get turned off when the earwigs fall out while washing the vegetable, and the earwigs leave brown marks on the inner areas, sort of spoilings one's appetite for Caesar salad. These plants went through two fairly heavy nights of frost with no damage, truly a cold weather crop. Durgan.
Nothing secret. Plant very early in the spring seems to be one criteria. I think city plant compost has a bearing on sufficient nutrients. I must admit this is the best I have grown over the years. The weather has not been very hot. I understand Romain is basically a cold weather crop, meaning it does not appreciate the hot days of summer. Then again it could be all luck. Durgan.
Hi Durgan, They certinly look good lettuce, is the taste good? Do you know by chance if you can get the seed in the UK?
Actually, I buy the small plants from a nursery, since the growing window is narrow. The plants are very common around here. I haven't looked for the seeds, but I am reasonably sure they are readily available in most places. Try a Google search. Durgan.