My Roebelenii or pigmy date palm has white bumps along the under part of most of the leaves along the center spine. Also some leaves are yellow. Is this a disease or pest? If so what is it?
The white you see is normal, and it's a wax type deposit found on the undersides of the leaflets. Yellowing of the leaves is usually found on the lowest fronds as the begin to expire. Don't cut or remove these until about half or more of the frond has faded. Research this palm for more info. They are very attractive and worth learning more about.
You could be right, LPN, but I'd make sure the bumps aren't white scale. Beautiful palm if humidity levels are high enough which is often not the case indoors.
Palm. We have some Robie's as well. If you palm is indoors, I'd highly suggest misting (with fine mist) it 2-3 times a day, all over, top and bottom of fronds. Two winters ago, we had some palms inside and had lots of problems due to dryness. This winter, we again have some palms inside. The overall humidity in the house is the same... DRY. But we mist all of the plants 2X a day. With this, there is no problem at all. No dried leaves, no bugs, nothing. Hope that helps you.