There is a spot in my garden that gets a drip from the roof. Ive given up on getting the drip fixed and now I just want to put rocks there so the dripping doesnt spray dirt all over. I think it would look kinda boring to just have rocks so I was wondering about planting something there. Thing is, it would have to like growing among rocks with soil about 2 inches below it and lots of water during the rainy season (which is most of the year in Vancouver). I had planned on succulents at first but now Ive found out they prefer dry conditions. Maybe ferns? Any other suggestions?
You can do mosses, ferns, and since you're in Van you can probably get away with some of the hardy aroids - check out Colocasia and Xanthosoma, but only as long as the soil below has good drainage. Everything else I'd normally reccomend is invasive in BC. Plus, you could always go to the UBC Botanical Garden and check out their rock gardens for inspiration. Nudge nudge, wink wink! EDIT - check out the orchids that are native to BC. This sounds like exactly their kind of garden.
Well, I think you have an opportunity to use Baby Tears, my favorite in California next to ponds, but definitely not hardy in Boise, ID with its freezing temps in winter and hot dry summers. Even though I manage to grow it sometime by my pond. It still isn't the same as when it has its needs met with moisture and temperate weather.