I have two 4 ft. Robellini palms.One the is turning brown,And the other the branches are looking like they are wilted. Can anyone help. Thanks junnieann1
I'd have a nurseryman or specialist from your area come in for an evaluation. Without a detailed history or even a pic, it's very difficult to correctly diagnose a problem. Cheers, LPN.
I wrote about my Robellini looking wilted.And If you could see pic. it may help to tell me what is wrong.So I'm adding a pic this time.
Junnie-many of us are from such different climates, I think we really hesitate to apply our experiences to a palm in your area. I would generally think root problems...the leaves appear green on the photo palm so nutrition doesn't seem lacking. Crown and root rots happen up here in our wet winter/springs, as well as summers if we don't get the drainage happening well enough. An overdose of fertilizer or accidental chemical/cleaner spill could produce a similar root kill. Can you dig around the root system a bit to see if the roots appear healthy (white, new root tips, not black and rotted looking). Also try to see how moist the soil in the root area is...not soggy, also not repelling water as can happen with an old potting mix that never really tied into the planting area soil so stays real dry in that original root zone. Root rot, if that's what's happening, often has a sad ending. Have to watch the watering very carefully and hope the plant can outgrow it...doesn't happen very often with my plants, sorry.
Generous Contributor, Thank you for that information.I will check this out quickly. Thanks again Junnieann1
Growest, Thank you for the information.I will check this out right away. Sure hope I can save them. Thanks Junnieann1