Location: southern indiana. Found on bank of spring-fed creek in woods. had no stinging hairs. the irregular green structures in photo are not flowers, i'm assuming. i don't think the stem could be called "succulent".
Immediately reminds me of Laportea canadensis, but for the described lack of stinging hairs. No members of that family native to your area have a combination of no stinging hairs and alternate leaves, from what I can find.
maybe it is L. canadensis and either i'm now immune to stinging hairs, or somehow avoided them while handling plant.
Your photos show the hairs. Not a lot of them, but they're not supposed to have as many or as fierce hairs as stinging nettle. It looks like those small structures are female flowers. There's a photo at Minnesota Wildflowers with text that says: Here's a photo showing the seeds hanging off them. Nature Search, photo C. [Edited] I meant to add: common name is Wood Nettle.