Accession none recorded Asian Garden area 3AC6, on the Wilson trail, west side, just before the curve Photos: Wendy Cutler Photos taken December 21, 2011 Eric La Fountaine recognized the Rhododendron I inquired about today as being the one with the fasciated buds. I hadn't remembered that term, or recognized that I was not looking at an identifying feature of the shrub, but that was what caught my eye and the reason I photographed it. Eric had recently inventoried the area and said there is no identification for this. My hand span is 8 inches (20cm).
Probably a Subsec. Falconera species or hybrid. The dead twig with the persisting dead leaves could be Phytophthora. The shrub definitely has weevils!
OK then, here's a list of the 11 species in the running: Assuming that the Phytophthora and weevils won't kill it immediately, when should my reminder be set for to photograph the new spring growth? We're thinking it's going to be a late year again. I could use a Rhododendron Scout.