The following was received via email: I'm not sure whether we should remove all dead leaves from under the rhododendrums before mulching for the winter??? What is recommended. Thanks.
Try a search for "rhododendron mildew" and see if anything is said about cleaning up fallen leaves. And consider that covering them with mulch may have same effect, so keep that in mind when reading recommendations.
Ron, the problem with searching the web is you'll likely to get both answers: one saying remove deseased material to avoid spread (a green house sanitation practice?) and one saying it doesn't mater because the spores are already present in the area which is why the plants have it in the first place -- that there is no scientific evidance to support removal. Personally, I think the answer is "it depends". If the plants are healthy, I would leave them (I do leave them), if not, remove them as it certainly wouldn't hurt.