I live in Massachusetts, and know I have seen in the area, what appears to be a Rhodedendron and its' color is Orange. Does anyone know the scientific name of this shrub. Many nurseries I have asked do not know of this particular colored Rhodedendron. It may very well be an Azalea.
It is a indead a Rhododendron...eh...Azalea... All Azaleas are Rhododendrons, but not visa versa. There are indead orange flowered Rhododendrons... There are a number of native species of Rhododendron that are orange along with a variety of named cultivars. The discussion of Azalea from http://www.rosebay.org/chapterweb/cprhaz.htm What is the difference between a rhododendron and an azalea? All azaleas are rhododendrons. They belong to the subgenus Pentanthera (deciduous) and the subgenus Tsutsusi (mostly evergreen) by the revised classification or to the Azalea Series by the Balfourian System. All azaleas are elepidotes (they never have scales). All azaleas have five lobes to the flower. Most (not all) azaleas have only one stamen for each lobe of the flower, meaning they have five stamens while most other rhododendrons have two stamens for each lobe, meaning they have 10 or more stamens. Azaleas tend to have adpressed hairs (hair that grows parallel to the surface of the leaf). This is particularly true along the midrib of the undersurface of the leaf and is easily seen in the so called "evergreen" azaleas. Azaleas have tubular funnel or funnel shaped flowers. You would need a microscope to see this, but while the hair on "standard" rhododendrons will often branch, the hair on azaleas never does.