Where can these be purchased in the Greater Vancouver (BC) area? Looking for types such as Rhaphiolepis Indica 'Pink Lady', 'Clara,' 'Majestic Beauty,' 'Delacourii.' Also, need confirmation that these can be successfully grown here.
Commonly planted but often not thriving. Hot exposure with good, warm soil needed. R. umbellata more likely to succeed than the kinds listed above.
Well, that's good to know because the site I have in mind is very sunny and warm. Do you know where they can be purchased? I looked through some local nursery catalogues and no luck, although the lady at RONA said last fall that they would carry it in the spring, so I assumed if they were at RONA they'd be fairly easy to find.
Common at outlets here. Try the Monrovia nursery web site to see who up there is buying from them, they have a feature on the site that is called something like Dealer Locator. They also have descriptions of the plants, including their environmental requirements. "In regions where temperatures never (or very rarely) fall to 0F/-18C, these are among the most widely planted shrubs...Fireblight and a fungal leaf spot (in cool, wet weather) are possible disease problems... R. indica...In the Northwest, subject to a leaf spot fungus, which defoliates the plants... R. umbellata...In Northwest, less subject to leaf spot than R. indica" --Sunset Western Garden Book (2007, Sunset Publishing, Menlo Park)