I am in the process of removing a tree that we lost to canker. In my research I found references to root problems being a possible source of the disease. My question is this: Could their be any residue of the "canker" left in the soil? I plan to augment the surrounding soil when I plant the new tree. Any thoughts or ideas would be appreciated. Thanks
what kind of tree and what kind of canker? the info helps identify the pathogen and hence further responses if there is info to be had.
The tree was a Royalty Crab. The company that diagnosed the canker never specified a specific type of canker. We planted the tree about 12 years ago and it was good sized to begin with. When we first planted it, it started showing signs of being over watered so I shut off it's specific drip line and let the beds other spray tips do the watering and everything looked good up to about three years ago. I'm planning to replace it with a Redbud which I read also is prone to canker.