Hi I work now on my project of end of studies which relates to the reduction of the costs and times of harvest on cucumber. I will make a comparison test between the umbrella cut and the one stem cut (like tomato) of three English cucumber cultivars (Flamingo, Suprami and Camaro) on gutters. The cucumber in umbrella cut will have a starting density of 1.6 plant/m ² but thereafter, because of the fact that there will be two heads per seedling, the density will increase with 3.2 plants/m ². The cucumber in one stem cut will have a density of 2.5 plants/m ². The maintenance and the harvest of cucumber of greenhouse in the umbrella cut requires the use of lifting trucks considering the height which the seedlings reach(approximately 3m.) In the case of the one stem cut, the technique consists in descending the seedling regularly, so that the fruits are found with breast height. According to me, the one stem cut will facilitate harvests owing to the fact that the mobile carriages will not be necessary any more to reach the fruits to collect and carry out . I made a research to have an idea of the tests which were already carried out on this subject but documentation is rare. I thus call upon your assistance to have an idea of the advantages and disadvantages of the two types of cut for cucumber. I would also like to know your opinion on the feasibility of my project as well as the relevance of the one stem cut in cucumber. Thank you so much for reading me and sorry for my bad english as it is my second language
Howdy Mousse, I think both systems have their merits. Many greenhouse operators especially those big guys, already have lift buckets. That been the case, the umbrella cut will not increase their cost. In fact it may even reduce it and they are making maximum use of their existing machinery. However, many smaller operators do not have the luxury of the lift buckets and still have to lower the vines periodically to be able to harvest the crops. Lowering the vines involves extra labor but it may be cheaper than to go out to buy the lifts. That's something you may have to work out. The department of agriculture in Quebec should be in a better position to help you out. Peace Thean
Hi Thean thank you for your answer I meant by reducing the cost by not using lift bucket that people have to go up and down using them, it's a lost of time and time is money you know ;) I tried to get help from the departement of agriculture in Quebec but everyone answers : I can't help you, try with this guy, and the other one says the same :( Please, if you know a scientific website where I can find documentation I would be very happy :D
Howdy Mousse, Sorry to read that the agriculture department of Quebec cannot help you. When I said lift buckets, I was referring to those self propelled trucks or buggies specially designed for greenhouse use. Workers do not have to get down until their jobs are done. You may want to try other Agriculture Departments. BC and Ontario and greenhouse growers associations. Here are four sites. www.gov.bc.ca/al www.omafra.gov.on.ca www.ontariogreenhouse.com www.bcgreenhouse.ca Peace Thean