This cactus was rescued from a doctor's office where it was moved around lots but was often in the dark. It became shabby and very tall and was about to be tossed so I took it home. Each branch is three-sided. The thorns on the lower branches are mostly doubles with single thorns dominating on the top. The missing thorns may be due to lots of handling. It has new growth at the top. What kind of cactus is this? Can I make a cutting of some of the upper pieces and plant them alongside. How? Is there anything I can do to help it regain some of its vigour and strengthen some uprightness? Thanks for your help.
Hi there, This plant confuses a lot of people, but it is not actually a cactus. It is a Euphorbia trigona (African Milk Tree). It's sap is milky and VERY toxic. It grows really well from cuttings, and looking at your plant it you could get a lot of cuttings out if it if you wanted. Michael
Thanks, Michael. Since you identified the plant I have done some Googling. It appears that for BC growing conditions, indoors in a full-light window without steady sun (north-east) will provide a good home. I am, however, wary of doing cuttings since the plant is so toxic both to skin and eyes. Will ordinary garden gloves provide sufficient protection? Do I need to discard the gloves or can they be laundered and re-used? Would ordinary detergent clean the toxins? When properly protected, from what part of the plant do I make the cuttings? Below a branch or just on a stem? Some discussions describe washing off the 'milk' of the cut and allowing up to ten days to heal before placing in soil. Is that reasonable or overkill? Is there any need to feed the plant with anything other than a limited amount of water once a week? One site mentioned something called cactus juice. I'm brand new in the euphorbia trigonia world but have formed an attachment to this plant and would really like to bring it to a healthy level. Thanks for any help. Marilyn
Hey, I use garden gloves because of the spines, not the sap! lol You can cut it anywhere you want, set the cutting aside, out of bright light for a week or so until it crusts over. Then pot the cutting up in cactus/succulent soil (I like to add more perlite to it). Then water it every so often and wait. It's really easy. Yes It will branch out from under the cut. They branch out from all over the place when they get enough light. As for feeding, I just use 1/4 regular houseplant food every few months. I hear they don't like much food. I've sure "Cactus Juice" is good stuff, but you don't need it. Just give it basic care and the plant will be happy. M.
Thanks so much for your help. I think my euphorbia trigonia and I are going to be very happy together as long as we don't get too close. Marilyn