I attached some pictures of my plant I was wondering if anyone could suggest to me if i should replant the new seedlings. I read that if you have more than 7 plants that they broke away from the mother plant. Please let me know if I should repot the new sprouts. Thanks.
I only replant mine entire flytrap in the early spring before they begin to come out of dormancy. The roots are thin and black so don't be afraid that thay're rotten. You can separate the little plantlets i spring if you want but they don't hurt each other to be close. A big bunch of them look pretty cool.
Maybe it's just me or maybe it's the picture, but your flytrap looks kinda yellow. Anybody have ideas as to what causes this? It appears to be in adequate light on that windowsill.
I would suggest a bigger pot, 6 size that is tall and fresh flytrap soil. Keep the pot in about an inch or so of water at all times. Put it outdoors in 8 hours of direct sunlight for the summer. Red
Hi... seeing that you're from Ontario, you may want to check out our Ontario Carnivorous Plant forum...very active and helpful place. Here's a direct link to info on venus fly traps, and some suggestions and advice from experts who have looked into similar queries about repotting broken VFTs. http://ocps.proboards78.com/index.cgi?board=dionaea David