Hi all, I recently picked up a nice grafted calamondin orange in bloom. The blooms smell fantastic! The only problem is that the pot is far too small and the tree could use something larger. Should I repot now? There are unopened blooms and very very tiny fruit on the tree which I would love to preserve but not to the detriment of not repotting a crowded tree. It seems to be a new flush of leaves right now so I'm hoping that the roots aren't in active growth. Also can anyone suggest a good potting mixture? I have seen Millet suggest a mixutre with coconut husk and peat if I'm not mistaken (which is entirely possible!) and while I would love to use coconut husk it seems to be hard to come by where I am (going to order some up though :)!). In the mean time I have houseplant, african violet and cactus premixed soils and bags of perlite, vermiculite and peatmoss just not sure the mixture that I should try. Thanks in advance! Ryan
If your careful not to damage any roots, it shouldn't skip a beat. Any mixture with good drainage will do. Millet likes CHC, I use the Perfect mix from wally world that comes in 2 cubic foot bags for $8....
Thanks Laaz. I hope that the tree won't get too upset with me for moving it but I'll have to try and find out ;) haha. Cheers, Ryan
A simple mix is perilite an peat 50/50 you can use Miracle-Gro Potting mix instead of peat. Repotting citrus depends on the root mass I like washing the old soil away that will leave voids to the root system, the lack of soil to the root system will hurt your tree. You can wash peat or Miracle-Gro Potting mix from the surface on the container and gentile washing the mix in to fill the voids. Dale
thanks Dale. I have to repot my seedlings soon and I think that I'll try te 50-50 eat and perlite as you suggest. Cheers, Ryan