my jade is about one year old , i only water it and it is doing fine , I think i will repot it some time this year , give me some tips on how to do it ? thank you
it's pretty much the same as any other plant. larger container, new soil, remove from original container & remove old soil, check the roots and remove anything that is rotted and then spread them out a bit, put some soil in the new container, add the plant and top off with more soil. let sit, unwatered, for a week or so and then get it back on it's usual watering schedule. jade does best when in an unglazed clay pot and the soil should be something that is very well-draining. i use cactus mix for mine.
jade repotting Hello!!thank you for help and tips , I am new at this ,but loves jades.I will repot them on my next day off from wrok and will let you know how they turn oot ! thanks again
I wouldn't repot it unless I was absolutely fed up with its current pot. Yep, they love being rootbound. In repotting: a) if you want the plant to grow larger: increase pot size. b) if you want to keep it the same size: prune roots, and pick a same size pot.
Re: jade repotting sorry it took so long to reply , but my job has me going pretty steady . the jade is holding well and will get around to repotting next week will let you know how it turn out ! good I am sure