Greetings, I have just purchased a rural property that has at least 1 acre of native grass growing on what once was a hay field. It is very,very rough, mostly clay and of course must have had manure spread on it for fertilizing the hay crop (lots of black flies under foot). I therefore have 2 concerns - Do I remove all the old grass, rototill and then replace with something different (native grasses and plants) or do I try to kill the flies, top dress, roll and let nature take it's course. I know what's easier but I'm prepared to do the job only once so want to get it right the first time.
what do you want to achieve with this field? do you want to grow hay or create a meadow of natural grasses and wildflowers?...or something else?
How much land are we talking about? Is it the flies that are your worry? Controlled burns might be just the ticket. Burn it, till it, rake it and scatter wild flowers seeds. I don’t think just tilling it up would do much good.
We're talking about approximately 2 acres that I'd like to leave as mostly grass but turn a large portion in to a native garden of grass and flowers. This portion I know I'll have to strip off the old grass but it was the other portion I was concerned about. A contolled burn may work but it is around both the house and garage and may be a bit unsafe and yes the flies are a major concern.
Hi Dcross, Congratulations on your new home! I'm still a bit confused as to what you want to do with the one acre. Are you saying that you want a lawn there? Newt