Hi we have a Chinese Elm which we chopped down and had the stump grinded because the roots was destorying our wall. However, they elm is stilll growing back, i tried cutting the new growth but it's still growing. Is there anything we can use to totally remove or kill this tree? We want to grow other trees there, however the elm is still alive. Any suggestions will be great. Thanks, Kyle
Probably a Siberian elm (Ulmus pumila). Anyway, cutting shoots as they appear or spraying them with approved herbicide will kill it. Shoots are growing using nutrients made in leaves and stored in roots, prevent new shoots from growing long enough to replenish stores and roots will starve and die.
Hi Kyle, You can also go the organic route to speed decomposition of the stump and roots. http://www.dirtdoctor.com/view_question.php?id=50 Newt