Relocating Hydrangea Bushes

Discussion in 'Woody Plants' started by Lilywolf, Oct 19, 2008.

  1. Lilywolf

    Lilywolf Member

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    Westchester USA
    Hello all, we are trying to relocate two rather large hydrangea bushes to another better suited place in the yard. We inherited a lot of landscaping work with our new home and these two beautiful hydrangea bushes were sandwiched in between two other giant ornamental bushes which need a lot of room and are squashing up against these hydrangeas.

    I basically would like the know the best time of year to relocate these bushes (is it ok to do in the fall before frost makes the ground mpenetrable?) and how to dig them out without damaging the roots?

    Thanks so much in advance for your help.
  2. joclyn

    joclyn Rising Contributor

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    philly, pa, usa 6b
    personally, i would move them in early spring just before they come out of dormancy.

    you'll want to get as big a root ball as possible, so, start digging at least a foot outward from the main trunk and dig deep so you get as much as possible. have the new location prepared (holes dug) before you start digging up the bushes so that they are out of the soil for as short a time as is possible.

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