Reducing the Height of a Mature Fig Tree

Discussion in 'Fruit and Nut Trees' started by RebeccaMarie, Feb 22, 2015.

  1. RebeccaMarie

    RebeccaMarie New Member

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    I have a fig tree that is about 22 ft tall (as high at the peak of my roof). I would like to drastically reduce the height of this tree for easy access to the fruit. Would it be okay to cut back some large branches (maybe 15 cm is diameter) down to about 6 ft? The trunk splits nice and low to the ground, but neglect over the years has meant that the first branching isn't until about 7 - 8 feet.

    Any advice is greatly appreciated!

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  2. woodschmoe

    woodschmoe Active Member 10 Years

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    gulf island, bc, canada
    You can prune figs back hard, to mere stumps if you wish, and should see vigorous growth resume in the Spring. Only issue is you'll probably prune off most of the embryonic first crop, depending on how much is removed, and may not see any figs at all for this season. But you'd be fine to prune it back as you suggest. Might want to open up the middle while you're at it--thin out the crowded growth.

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