Are these different and separate cultivars? Which one is supposed to be the red form of Koto no Ito, if any? And how does Red Pygmy fit into the picture (or does it?)? Is it the red form of Koto no Ito? I really like KNI and have found it to be reliably hardy for me in zone 5, so I am interested in a red form, if there is one. Kay
Kay, I have come across atleast 3 variations of the name red spider 1) Red Spider - linearilobum 2) Red Spyder - I thought I had a link for this but cannot find it. 3) Red Spider Web which is a dissectum so very similer to Red Filigree Lace. here is a thread discussing this xman
xman, Thanks for the info. I guess I was mostly wondering if they were all registered, named cultivars, or if they are name/spelling errors of the same maple. Where can a person go to get a listing of all registered maple cultivars? What foundation keeps track of nomenclature of Japanese maples? I read Vertrees book about the confusion and difficulties with name variations of maples, but I know someone has asked on the forums about naming new maples and how to go about it. Other plant families have registration protocol, I would think maples do too, don't they? Kay