Can anyone identify the tall plants with the red flowers in this picture? (Not the cosmos in the foreground). I've been growing these from seed for several years in Indiana, but they came in a mixed packet of shade-loving plants and I can't remember what they're called. They grow to two to three feet in height, do quite well in the sun although they tolerate shade, and produce bright red flowers all along the stalk of the plant. The leaves are fairly slim and long and deep green, although this year they developed some sort of whitish film on them. When they go to seed, they produce pods that are 'spring-loaded' - if you squeeze them, they snap open and scatter little brown seeds everywhere. One more note: although the flowers have always been red, this year I got some plants that produced only pink ones! Ain't plant genetics great?
thanks! Thank you for your reply! I did a search on "impatiens balsamina" to find some more pictures and that indeed appears to be my mystery flower. Thanks for your input!!