Red Oak with leaves turning brown

Discussion in 'Woody Plants' started by jasonhightower, Sep 2, 2007.

  1. jasonhightower

    jasonhightower Member

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    North Texas
    We planted about a 3" Red Oak this Spring and about a month ago the leaves started turning brown. I thought it was from the summer heat so I watered it quite a bit, but with no noticeable improvement. The other Red Oak across the yard has had no issues. Other trees and plants in the yard appear to be fine.

    I have treated the trees twice with Bayer Tree & Shrub Control previously. I am thinking of testing the soil next. I truly hope its not some problem like Sudden Oak Death or Red Oak Borer.

    Any thoughts?

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  2. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    Not here
    Don't use any additional pesticides until you find out what is going on. Take leaf samples to local Extension office, see what help you can get there.

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