Red Navel Orange Tree Help Needed

Discussion in 'Citrus' started by toddbuono, Jun 17, 2008.

  1. toddbuono

    toddbuono Member

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    High Springs, FL USA
    I just planted a 30 Gallon 7ft Red Navel. I added some 10-10-10 Fertalizer and about 1/3 of the leaves have fallen off. What Can I do to help the tree out.
  2. Millet

    Millet Well-Known Member 10 Years

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    Denver,Colorado USA
    With so little information, it is impossible to answer your concern with any type of assurance. I offer just a few common answer to this type of question. First, I don't know how old your tree is, but 10-10-10 should never be used on a citrus tree less than 4 years old. However, I do not think your problem has to do with the fertilizer, unless you over applied it. When you dug the hole for the tree, was the hole just large enough for the root ball to fit into, or did you dig a hole larger and deeper than the root ball? In an attempt to "help" the tree, did you add any amendments, like peat moss, or compost? How long ago did you plant the tree? - Millet
  3. toddbuono

    toddbuono Member

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    High Springs, FL USA
    OK. The Tree is about 7ft tall the stalk is about 4 inches thick. I'm guessing the tree is about 5 years old. It has alot of flowers and lots of very small oranges getting ready. I paid 170.00 from Home Depot. The hole(Rain well) is 12 inches thick around the tree. I had to go down 18 inches in the ground also. I planted the tree about 1 month ago with 10-10-10. If the leaves fall off will the plant die?
  4. Millet

    Millet Well-Known Member 10 Years

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    Denver,Colorado USA
    What does all that explanation mean? Does 12 inches thick mean, that the hole is a foot wider then the root ball, (on one side, or 12 inches wider on both sides) and does 18 inches deep mean that the hole is deeper than the the root ball is tall? If it is wider and deeper than the size of the root ball, that is not good. - Millet
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2008
  5. toddbuono

    toddbuono Member

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    High Springs, FL USA
    OK. I dug the hoe 18 inches deep. Thats what the 30 gallon pot was. I made the hole about twelve inches wider than the root ball.

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