Hello Everyone! We have a Red Maple that we planted last spring. It seemed to be doing well until late summer when it began to fade. We thought it lost its leaves too early in the fall because other maples in the area were still very green, however, we simply kept a casual eye on it because there were still leaves near the base of the trunk. It's now early January and we've discovered what looks to be like some sort of injury or disease on the trunk, about 3 feet off the ground. There are branches that are alive above the "injury" (we used the scratch test), but there was one branch that was completely dead and dried up. Based on the attached photos, is there anything we can do to help this tree. I'm afraid that if we leave this untreated, it will get worse. Thank you very much for any advice you can provide.
Hi gster I see that the rigth photo have a hole (?) if yes for me you maple is attach to Cossus cossus a maggot (a big butterfly when is mature) or Zeuzera pyrina another maggot that cause similar effect , you go to chimical store and shop a dedicate spray , is good before to kill the maggot whit a wire that insert in the hole use spray, after close the hole whit mastic A.
I live in U. E. (Italy) and don't know if in U.S.A. live Cossus cossus or zeuzera I think that the correct definition is roditor wood ,sorry A.
OK, here is the information I've gathered thus far from various sources (online, you guys, and locally). I see that I have a moth burrowed in the trunk... Must kill it using localized plant pesticide spray! Then gently remove any bark that is already loose and dried. After that, lightly coat the entire area with pruning sealant and hope for the best. Does anyone agree or disagree with the outlined plan of action?
Ok plan is good,but another burrowed it could still living in the land around the tree, to work the land and see; using pesticide for land , repeat this for the next season Alex66