Red Maple dying?

Discussion in 'Maples' started by Jesusgirl4, Jul 26, 2007.

  1. Jesusgirl4

    Jesusgirl4 Member

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    spring hill, tn usa
    Hello, thank you in advance to who ever reads this and try's helping :)
    I recently bought what i think is a red maple tree. It has very neon like green leaves with red like stems. It is about 5 FT in height. I bought it at a local nursery. Anyhow, Not too long after planting the leaves started to get some brown spots. soon afterwards, the endges got brown and crispy. Now ALL the leaves are turning brown and crispy. Can anyone help me, what is this and how can i save my tree? I am so sad, i do not want it to die and go through more work of digging it up and throwing it away. I just moved to my first home and have spent lots of money and lots of time and fixing it and planting. Most of Everything else seems to be doing OK except the tree. PLEASE HELP! thank you.

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