For the last couple of nights, around dusk (9:30 pm or so) we’ve seen hundreds of flying insects flying swarm around our townhome’s roof overhang and trees in the garden in North Delta. They move quickly, light briefly on the leaves but do not really stop — they appear to be medium brown, smooth bodied, approx 1/2” long. They fly like flies or bees. Sometimes they would even bump on the window but that doesn’t seem to hurt them. Any idea what they might be? Is it dangerous to children and pets? Thank you so much!
Looks like a June bug or relative. Get 'em here too---our crop has been and gone. Genus Oxygrylius - BugGuide.Net
The colour of the wing covers is hard to make out, but this is probably a European Chafer Beetle, the pest whose larvae have caused many lawns in the Lower Mainland to be dug up by raccoons and skunks.