I have a Red Dragon planted next to my house with eastern exposure. It gets about 2 hours of morning sun and is in the shade throughout the rest of the day. Is the lack of direct sunlight causing my Red Dragon to turn green? I noticed the area of the tree closest to the house has more greener areas then the side exposed to the sun... Thanks.
I don't have a Red Dragon myself, but a few red leafed varieties and my answer would be yes: more sunlight can mean leaves that stay red longer. For instance, I have a Trompenburg that is red, except for those leaves that are covered/shaded by others - not a bad looking set up, but it leads me to think that sunlight helps the red.
Most red leaf forms do loose their red colors, if grown in predominate shade, if you want it to maintain the red hues, you should consider moving it, during it's dormant period in the winter. The ideal place would be somewhere it will get morning sun till about mid-day, and be shaded in the afternoon. I dont know how Red Dragon stands up to the sun,or if it bronzes at all under hot sun. Ashizuru.