New to the forum and would like a hand ID'ing these boletes. I'm from north of Mississauga and found these growing in 2's or 3's all over a low lying swampy area with mixed conifers. Large majority are cedar with spruce and balsam fir mixed in. Most seemed to grow in the vicinity of the cedars and were all over the place. Also found them mixed around with Lactarius Thyinos. Caps maxed out at about 4 inches and stems at about the same. Caps were reddish and felty with yellow in the cracks. Flesh is yellow and switches a wee bit to yellowish brown.
Thanks to both for the prompt reply. Here's the million dollar question. :) Could this be confused with anything I shouldn't be eating?? LOL No red pores..... no blue staining and I found a bunch more this evening free of "critters". Thanks and it's hard to decide between the two.... seems like it could be either.
I don't think Suillus lakei is found in your region, I just thought it was an intriguing resemblance. cheers, frog