Hi, I'm a newbie here so hope I'm doing this right. I've been trying to identify all the trees,shrubs,plants in my yard(I'm in Ontario, east of Toronto)and having trouble identifying this shrub (pretty sure it's classified as shrub but new at this)..leaves have no teeth,and arranged in opposite pairs...berries are bright red and look like they may be in pairs as well...can't remember what flowers looked like in spring (pretty sure it had flowers, think they may have been white)...have 2 of these in yard, both quite tall (10-12 ft?)...leaves are also fairly small compared to any shrubs I saw online that had berries. Any help greatly appreciated, it's a project I'm working on with kids to help identify stuff in our yard. Lori S
Which species of honeysuckle is it? I think what I have is the same thing. How do I add a picture to this?
Lonicera oblongifoila - Swamp Fly Honeysuckle I've been trying to figure this out for years. It's not rare, but it's not in any field guide I own. Yay internet.
Thank you! I did deduce after much research that it was indeed a honeysuckle but was unsure of the exact one:)