We've recently moved from Kansas to northern Alabama, and our new place is pretty much a blank slate as far as landscaping and trees goes. Our backyard faces east, and we're on the side of a mountain so we've got lots of sun exposure - and even though we have mostly clay for soil, because the whole yard is sloped in one way or another, drainage is very good. The backyard is also mostly an easement for the TVA (boo!) as some pretty impressive power lines are right behind the house, and because of the lines, there is a large cleared area running the length of the street behind the houses, and so the north wind has a nice open path. As such, I want to plant a windbreak of conifers/evergreens along the north fenceline, but because of the aforementioned easement, I am limited to ~15ft max height of whatever I plant. As many maple enthusiasts are also conifer addicts, I was hoping I might get some recommendations that would work for our area and situation. The length of the area I wish to plant along is 50-75 ft; it definitely gets full morning sun, but I'm unsure what it will get after about noon. There are 2 very tall pin oaks right by the house, and I don't know how much shade they will cast, and when, over the area I plan to plant in. My guess is full/mostly sun until early afternoon, when the sun passes it's zenith. Thanks!!
This was originally in Maples, but the question is about conifers. I know, @maplesandpaws, you said you posted it there thinking maple enthusiasts would know about conifers, but people who read the Gymnosperms (incl. Conifers) forum are the real conifer addicts, so I've moved your posting here.