I am currently removing some old tired looking plants from my garden and this has opened up some space between an acer orange dream and a fern. The location is in shade in the morning but is sunny from lunch time onwards. Any recommendations for an acer that would complement the orange dream would be appreciated. I Have included a picture to show the space but there are still some plants to be removed.
@Stuart McKenna good afternoon Stuart, tbh I think an Atropurpureum would go beautiful next to Orange Dream. I would then give Skeeters broom as my second choice. Both take afternoon sun very well and hold their reds very well all Summer. But obviously any of the reds that are good in full sun, like Emperor 1 or Fireglow would also look good. So my choice for that position is definatly a red. Hope that's of help
Atropurpureum is a good suggestion I think. Think of the different leaf colours in different seasons : Deshojo, or another of the kind would look good in the spring (my favourite season for maples), but won't contrast so much in summer. Since a healthy 'Orange Dream' is mainly yellow in Autumn, any other with flashing red colours in Autumn like O-sakazuki would fit too. It all depends when you like your maples best... Very nice spot anyway.
Thanks for the input guys, I guess as I spend most time in the garden in summer it makes sense for something red that will give good contrast all summer long
@Stuart McKenna A couple of other suggestions to consider. 'Sumi nagashi' is a good strong red purple with great autumn colour. If space is tight a top grafted 'Shiraz' will give a nice contrast to 'Orange Dream'. I'll upload a a photogirl Orange Dream with Sumi nagashi close by. Best.
As an update to this had a look around a few garden centres today. The atropurpureums that I saw all seemed very green, I guess they have been kept very shady. The one that I saw that was very red was a Twomblys red sentinel does anyone have any experience of this type ? As an aside I somehow managed to come home with a Katsura so will need to find a place for that
@Stuart McKenna good evening Stuart. My Twombleys red sentinal or Red Sentinal is a good grower and fairly good in afternoon sun. But tbh Atropurpureum if placed in the sun is red all Summer long. Second photo shows beginning of August 2020. If you have seen one at a local nursery and it is green then you are right, it has been kept in the shade. The last photo I have attached is of my Atropurpureum this morning, just starting to change towards Autumnal colours. Love Katsura BTW, always says to me that Spring is here. Its the first to leaf out !!!
Thank you very much for posting the pictures, The colour of your Atropurpureum is fantastic exactly what I'm looking for. With regards to the Katsura, any thoughts on how much sun that will take ?
@Stuart McKenna, it can burn in the Summer I'm afraid Stuart and sadly although it is a lovely tree in the Spring as it leafs out very early any late Spring frost hits it hard. A spot that can give it some protection from the Summer afternoon sun and wind is necessary IMO, but expect a little die back wherever you place it. Still would not be without it in my garden. A 'lovely' tree. March 2021 you will not stop looking at your new Katsura. It will glow.
Thank you I will repot it and keep it on the patio until spring and hopefully enjoy the spring colour. Then I can try a few different locations in the summer.
A very good idea Stuart. I hope you will share a photo or two to cheer us all up in March / April 2021.