I can't find a recommended list for BC of small (not dwarf) to medium sized columnar conifers that would work in my border. I need something narrow, say, not much bigger than a meter across, ideally dark green or blue in colour. I've looked at C. nootkanensis pendula - great tree, but sadly, it will get much too big for the site, and have been told Vancouver is too soggy for all the Junipers I thought were attractive. The bed where I want to plant it is close to the house, and full west, with southern exposure. Many thanks! Boondoggle
If you don't mind doing mail order, you can get Picea abies 'Inversa' from Darren at Whistling Gardens in southern Ontario ( http://www.whistlinggardens.ca/ ). Nice dark green, and super narrow. The grafts are very small though, so need to be trained for several years. Darren sent me a couple of photos of his larger specimens -- looks like just what you need : Even narrower than Picea omorika 'Pendula Bruns' (....another option for you -- more blue, and also much better known in the market: I don't know of anyone else who sells Picea abies 'Inversa').
There is a book entitled: Dwarf and Unusual Conifers Coming of Age by Sandra McLean Cutler. Might be a good place to start some research. Michael