Hi, A friend showed me a good, general book on clematis. It was a very slim volume, but had lots of information on planting, propagation, pruning, types, etc. He has mislaid his book, and I am trying to find one like it. Do you have any suggestions? Thanks, Merlin
hello Merlin possibly Clearview in Langley BC http://www.homeofclematis.net/sales.htm lots of links and info on the site too
Thanks Peirrot. I would like to be able to see the table of contents. It is NOT the book that I had seen...at least I don't think so. I'll take a look at it, however.
merlin essentially that web site is the book clic on the links at the side to see what is in the book
Thanks, I'll take a look. Do you know the book "Simply Clematis" by Edith Malik... it seems to be the Bible of the American Clematis Society. Merlin
Not sure if this is the book your friend had or not... it is a slim book 'A Comprehensive Guide to Clematis' by Barry Fretwell 1st published in 1989 by William Collins Sons & co Ltd Reprinted by Harpur Collins It does have a chapter on Cultivation and one on propagation etc Hope this helps
I have a book on clematis, called Clematis; for Colour and Veratility, by Keith and Carol Fair, published in 1990, by The Crowood Press, in Ramsbury, Marlboroush, Wiltshire SN8 2HE, ISBN number is 1-852232846. Purchased here in Canada somewhere. It shows the main types of clematis according to pruning regimen, and has lots of useful info on the main named ones... it is a bit out of date, although a very attractive book, I think, because I have seen many new named varieties for sale here on Vancouver Island, and I have seen books on the shelves in stores and libraries subdividing the clematises even further re pruning technique, timing, depth of pruning etc...