Hi All Anything I need to know about re-planting Junipers, in sand? I do have some real soil that could be mixed in. Thanks, Sean
Replant immediately and water in well. Do not amend planting hole backfill. This is generally applicable, not just in this case. Only "improve" soil where the entire potential rooting area for many years can be modified. With trees and shrubs it is probably best under most normal circumstances to plant in loosened existing soil and supply organic matter as a mulch instead of an amendment. Drainage is corrected by installing drain pipes or planting on mounds/berms. Infertility is corrected with the use of soil testing and fertilization.
Junipers can easily over take any adjacent perennials or other sub shrubs, if pruning is an issue plant a wide berth to a neighbouring specimen. In Cumberland, they thrive.
Of all the plants I've moved they seem to take it the best. They are almost all tough adaptable plants for me. here in Texas this is the perfect time to do it too.