I am wondering if someone can help me out with my raspberries and now blueberries. It started out with my raspberries. As they ripened there were small areas (where the berry meets the stem) that were under developed. I found numerous small bugs (black with red markings) And another bug which I think may have been immature stink bugs. The black red and green bug in the middle. I collected over 100 of them over the course of weeks. I have found the small black and red beetles in other areas of my garden but not in the numbers present with the raspberries. There were also a few stink bugs collected too. There are also quite a few what look to me to be weevils about .5cm big. They are always up at the top of the maturing fruit. I have been unable to get a picture of them as they are really quick. And another small bug with orange around the outside of the body. I would sometimes find it with small bugs on the underside of the leaves which I assume were babies of the same. At the same time some of my raspberries were mottled?...a mixture of ripe areas with white areas So now the next row over is my thornless blackberries. Which seem to have the same small black and red beetle along with the odd mature stink bug and the small weevil. Sadly they now also are mottled. I probably have two different issues going on. My garden is relatively new. The raspberries and blackberries have been in the garden for two years. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
I've seen similar tiny beetles on my raspberries, including small, white egg masses surrounded by what appear to be miniature versions of the larger (2-3 mm) beetles. Hm, I just read that most beetles go through a larval (grub) stage, like Lady Bird beetles; so maybe these aren't beetles, just look like them. Anyway these insects are fairly common this year in my garden, but I haven't noticed any actual damage to the fruit from them, in contrast to the also abundant picnic beetles. The white areas on the raspberries are probably just sunburn, which I often see on a few berries located on the outside of the plants. I suspect that blackberries can have similar problems. The sunburned spots don't seem to affect the taste of the berries significantly; I usually eat affected berries while picking the fruit.
Yes, I think you may be right regarding the sunburn with the raspberries. I had thought of that. It is different with the blackberries....the markings are interspersed throughout the berry.....and the discoloured areas are a greyish brown color. Thank you
Common Insects and Mites: Brown marmorated stink bug | Hortsense | Washington State University (wsu.edu)
I don't understand; none of the insects in the photos resemble juvenile or adult Brown Marmorated Stink Bugs. Which of the photos is being referred to?
The top 3 pictures are the pictures of the bugs I have been picking off. The top picture of the black with red markings was the most prevalent. I agree they don't look like any of the brown Marmorated stages. I was trying to figure out what they are. However the damage to the blackberries (picture 5) appears to be what I would expect from a stink bug....just from googling pictures of stink bugs and fruit damage
Photo #1: Twice-stabbed Stinkbug Cosmopepla lintneriana Photo #2: Green Burgundy Stinkbug Banana dimiata (also, dimidiata) Also in photo 2 on the upper right side appears to be a Green Shield Bug Palomino prasina Photo #3: Conchuela Bug Chlorochroa ligata stink-bugs-in-british-columbia These are all native species unlike the Brown Marmorated which is an invasive species from Asia. I think the damage to the fruits in your photos is likely from the Stinkbugs. Sunscald would likely be more uniform as described in the link below. tan-or-white-drupelets-on-blackberry-and-raspberry-fruit
THANK YOU so much for all the info.....absolutely great! I am checking over my blackberries 3 times a day and finding a few immature Brown Marmorated. I do have another question and wondering if the damage could be from the stink bugs, although I have not seen any. My rhubarb came up beautifully, harvested some of it. Then about 6 weeks ago I found the stems very scarred with areas where it was oozing a clear/whitish liquid. Could this be caused by the stink bugs also? (I have a separate thread going re the rhubarb. I will attach pictures here also)
You're welcome. First, in Photo 2 it should be Banasa not Banana (thanks spellcheck). My reason for referring to the stinkbugs in your photos as 'native' species is because they are also a very beneficial insect that feeds on other insects that are less beneficial. In the link provided it gives a few examples of what they can feed on, and, of course, the eggs and nymphs of Stinkbugs are themselves food for nesting bird species. This is the kind of biodiversity that we should try to tolerate if possible, although I can understand that can be a problem if all your fruits are damaged! Also, note that the Brown Marmorated has to have the pale band on each leg along with the pale spots around the wing edges. If not you may be eliminating a native species. I wonder too if this is a cyclical issue similar to the Hemlock Looper Moth that we have had the past 2-3 years? I think the Stinkbugs are taking advantage of the hot and dry weather we have been having and perhaps next year may be in far reduced numbers. Just a few thoughts. I think they are very cool and beautiful. Unfortunately (?) I rarely see them in my area! I'll reply to the Rhubarb issue in that thread to keep them separate.