The online key for Ranunculus in Efloras is a complete mess: It contains four references names just "Ranunculus" without links (I assume, they should be particular species). Other references lead to various sections, most of which look OK. However, sections with single species do not identify those species. From other sources, I managed to find some of them: Sect. Halodes ==> Ranunculus cymbalaria Sect. Pseudaphanostemma ==> Ranunculus hystriculus Subg. Ceratocephala ==> Ranunculus testiculatus=Ceratocephala testiculata Sect. Arcteranthis ==> Arcteranthis cooleyae=Ranunculus cooleyae=Kumlienia cooleyae Sect. Cyrtorhyncha ==> Ranunculus cymbalaria=Cyrtorhyncha cymbalaria=Halerpestes cymbalaria However, now, Ranunculus cymbalaria occurs in two different sections. Does anyone have FNA vol. 3 in hands to check those 4 unlinked Ranunculi and 5 single-species sections? Would be a nice Christmas present for me! :)
OK, I got hold of FNA Vol.3! Looks like the people who tried to enter this volume into digital form ran out of steam. Luckily, they did not do the same with the book. Happy New Year, everyone!