Last summer, I found this growing in my garden. The flower buds are translucent and the rest can be best explained with these photos. I harvested tons of seeds from the plants, but only got one to sprout. The seeds are small and black; I guess they kinda look like poppy seeds, but bigger. Unfortunately, now that the plant has grown a bit, it looks totally different. It looks more like a tobacco of some sort. See what you think...
thanx a lot for the quick reply. Nobody ever had any idea when I asked them, and I asked around at Rutgers [lol]. I think the leaves threw everyone. Is this species wild anywhere in my area (mid-altantic region), because it just randomly popped up and i'd never seen it before, although there is a hibiscus epidemic in my yard and the adjoined. Two trees, yes trees, like to spread their seed all over the lawn. However, those are rose of sharon or a mallow variety.
Not native to the US, introduced, but USDA plants page lists it as being established in each of the states of the lower 48 save for Nevada and Alabama. Listed on the noxious weed page of WA. Might want to check out New Jersey's noxious/invasive weed board if such exists. Harry