Rain fall protection in winter for containers

Discussion in 'Maples' started by opusoculi, Feb 2, 2014.

  1. opusoculi

    opusoculi Rising Contributor 10 Years

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    Bordeaux sous-west of France
    Good day from France
    From december to end februari it rains a lot... I use to put that kind of cheep green-house over small and medium size Maples. Just as for tomatos in summer ...
    For good results, temperature must don't going up, low part stays always open.

    But with bittter cold , i quickly pile up (for a feew days) in a 30 m2 glass-house .

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  2. Aisya

    Aisya Member

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    I like the structure, where did you buy them?

    Good Idea to stand pots on the platform. If you had some thick pieces of wood say 3x2 and stand the pots on them then any rain will seep out...leave a gap.

    I did'nt think Rhododendrons need protection.

    Thanks for sharing!
  3. maf

    maf Generous Contributor Maple Society 10 Years

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    Northamptonshire, England
    I like the idea of winter rain protection, could help in some cases.

    Not sure of the value of storing the pots above ground level: Contact with the ground provides extra insulation to the container during a cold snap. Raising the container above ground level would be risky in marginal climate areas.
  4. opusoculi

    opusoculi Rising Contributor 10 Years

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    Bordeaux sous-west of France
    @maf . December and january 2014 in France it rains rains and rains... 200 litters/m2 eatch month = 7,8 ' what a season ! This case needs some aid for roots and preserve the top from bacterial attacks (pseudonomas).
    Each climate it's solutions, indeed.

    @Aisya . Don't you have growers systems protections for Tomatos in USA ?
    This one is sufficiently hight with orange clips very easy to put on/off. I found it on web commerce for 38 Euros piece, but i am sure package from Europe will be more expensive than product.
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2014
  5. opusoculi

    opusoculi Rising Contributor 10 Years

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    Bordeaux sous-west of France
    This is going on England and france ...

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  6. emery

    emery Renowned Contributor Maple Society 10 Years

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    Normandie, France
    That would be the nasty looking "Petra". Because we are at altitude, (Normandie-wise, anyway), we tend to get 20-30 extra kph to the gusts. The elm trees lost from this year are just in the process of being cleaned up...

    About the rainfall figures: I know Bordeaux has gotten a lot, I guess you've seen about double the averages which would be 200 mm. That's a lot of water! By contrast, we see about 80 mm on average, it's been easily the double this year. We had over 30 mm in an hour last Saturday. Much of the south of the UK has been in the same weather pattern, I imagine they've had the same excess too.

    Although I like your scheme, I actually agree with Maf -- I've tried keeping things out of the wet by putting pots on palettes previously to help drainage, but my impression was that the roots froze more easily. Mind you, that may not happen this year, we've only had 2 legitimate frosts all winter so far! Anyway I now bring pots into an unheated room to avoid overwatering.

    Good luck in the storms, they said that the Thursday night episode is likely to be even stronger than this one... :(


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