Question 1: I was serching the web and ran across My Grape vine with Danie Wium "The Grape Guy" he is offering a an e-book on growing grapes. Has any purchased this? Is it worth the money? If anyone has any info on this, I would like to know. Question 2: I also seen a picture with the caption rolling up the bird net. It was a picture of a net rolled up on what looked kind of like a close line pole. This is the first I heard about it. I would imagine bird can be a problem. Is this a common or necesarry thing in the grape growing business. Little background on me. I've been looking into growing grapes (very recent). I have close to 10 acers out back that is in set aside and has been for almost 8 years. I'm very serious about this as a business. I have a little funding so I think I can get this going in the right direction. I'm also looking into the Winnery side of the business as well. I live in pretty much the middle of Iowa. Question 3: What types of grapes would you recomend for a variety of wines and what would you recomend starting with. Sincerely and thank you Lonnie
1. There's lots of info specific to you available on the internet. Start with 2. Where I live, if you want to harvest reliably, you have nets. 3. Connect with this organization: You can find out what others in your area are doing and how successful they are. Also, and sit down for this one: vineyards are expensive! The "going rate" around here from cleared land to grape production utilizing contracted services is $20K-$25K PER ACRE. Obviously you can cut into that a lot with your own and family labor, used equipment etc., but it's a lot more than sticking vines into the ground. Probably the most critical factors are drainage and lots of sunshine. If you are serious, go out right now and buy a recording weather station and set it up at a representative spot on your property. That way when you've gathered all the other info you will be able to relate that to your nearest government station(s) and make some informed decisions about varieties and such. I suggest you find an experienced vineyard consultant to help you early on in the venture; he or she will easily save you their fees in the long run. Ralph
Thank you, I plan on doing my homework before I jump into anything. I know I'm just at the starting gate here. I plan on visiting the vineyards in Iowa this year as well as doing a lot of reading. Your input is much appreciated. When you say 20 - 25K is that start up cost. Thus are you saying I would need to have 250K to do 10 acres (which obviosly I will not do in the first year) and what kind of equipment will I need. I will keep a look out at auctions. Thanks again Lonnie
Lonnie- This a website that would be good for you to check out It's Lon Rombough's website. He might be able to help you out. He's one of best grape guys around. The Iowa guys are great to work with as well. Their are some great cultivars from the U of Minnesota that you can grow there and they are showing a lot of promise for your area. Marquette is the latest release check out the MGGA It's really useful and lots of links to get you started. Cheers Kim