Hi all, I am a commerce student from UBC. I am currently working on a business plan project on growing poinsettia. I would be interested in knowing how poinsettia are grown locally. When are they planted? How fast do they grow? How well do they survive after Xmas? On an aside, I am trying to get my poinsettia from last year to reflower. Some new leaves have started to turn red. Hopefully, it will be in time for Xmas. Please let know if you have experience regarding this plant or can point me to the right direction. Feel free to either reply to this thread or contact me directly. Thanks! Bongy
Well, I don't have much experience with growing poinsettias, Euphorbia pulcherrima (I buy new ones each year), but there are some great resources online to get you started. The BC Ministry of Agriculture and Lands offers an informational page on nursery production of ornamentals. There is a chart showing poinsettia production in BC halfway down the page. http://www.agf.gov.bc.ca/ornamentals/overview_floriculture.htm You can also download a paper, Mastering Poinsettia Production from their publications page (look under floriculture.) http://www.agf.gov.bc.ca/ornamentals/factsheets.htm#Floriculture Here is a nice sheet on how to get your poinsettias to rebloom, from the U of Illinois Extension. Follow the links at the bottom for other informative pages. http://www.urbanext.uiuc.edu/poinsettia/reflowering.html I don't know if any local growers will reply here, but the BC Landscape and Nursery Association can probably put you in touch with local poinsettia growers. http://www.bclna.com/bclna_industry_programs_development_council.htm
Definitely contact the BCLNA. There are some massive nurseries dedicated to poinsettias in the Fraser Valley.