I purchased a red navel (cara cara) orange tree last march from a grower in Florida. The tree is healthy and produced 13 oranges this last year. My question is, The tree has sprouted some new branches with thorns on them very low on the trunk by the graft. Should I cut these off, or prune back any of the branches. I have read pros and cons of pruning young trees. These new shoots are growing straight up the trunk into the existing branches and give it a messy apperance. This is my first orange tree and I also live in Cape Coral, FL. Thanks for any advice. Mike
It sounds like some vigorous rootstock growth might be your problem. If the growth originates below the graft union or the bud scar then prune them out. If the vigorous shoots are above the graft then you have a tough decision to make. If you are not sure which you have then you may want to post a photo or two and then we can help you. A quick comment on pruning: selective pruning of Citrus at a young age to shape the tree or to cut back overly vigorous shoots is not looked down upon but a major "haircut" whereby we top and/or prune the tree allover and perhaps thin as well will result in poor fruit production for a few years. Then again juvenile trees, 3-12 years old, respond better to pruning than an older tree will, so if someone wants to spend some time shaping these trees, it is better from a production standpoint to do it when they are young. Jim
Thanks for the advice. I cut off the one's at the graft. I'm not quite sure if I should cut the other 3 higher up the trunk or not. They dont match the tree, however I hate to if they will turn into productive branches. I may post a picture. Thanks again, Mike