Question Acer S. Autumn Moon

Discussion in 'Maples' started by PoorOwner, Apr 30, 2006.

  1. PoorOwner

    PoorOwner Active Member 10 Years

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    Northern CA
    Can anyone tell me how tall and wide does the autumn moon grow to? wider than tall it seems?

    Sun requirement? What I gathered is that it can take full sun and is very hardy. I am planning to have this in a sunny spot.

  2. jacquot

    jacquot Active Member Maple Society 10 Years

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    Larchmont Z7, NY, USA
    My Autumn Moon is a container tree in part sun and keeps its coral color until June. It definitely has a tendency to spread, and has been a slow grower in container culture. I am thinking of encouraging more vertical growth, and also finding a landscape location. It's leaves seem to have a rather thin substance and suffer more than any of my maples through the summer: tip burn, insect damage, etc., but as a landscape tree this would probably be less noticeable. The spring color is my favorite of all the maples I have, and autumn isn't bad either. It is a beautiful tree, hardy, and has not presented any problems other than more than usual leaf deterioration through the summer. A large landscape specimen must be outstanding, but from what I have seen, I think you should start with a larger tree and probably not in full sun. Mine is in it's 5th year and about 2' tall and 3' wide. Landscape siting would certainly make for faster growth, but even for a container tree, this appears to be a slow grower.

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